These Tinder Conversation Starters Actually Work, According To Dating Experts


Posted Mar 28, 2023

Reads 7.1K

Happy excited African American female laughing and gesticulating while having video calling on laptop and sitting at modern cafe

In the digital age of dating, having some good tinder conversation starters can make all the difference in determining whether a potential relationship will blossom or not. It's no secret that dating app conversation starters can feel all-caps crappy at times, but fear not – there is an artistry involved in crafting the optimal opener.

According to experts Jess Carbino, Ph.D., and Cat Hoggard Wagley, LMHCA, both relationship therapists based in Seattle, messages matter. In group chat with friends responds to hopeful conversation starters and determine bigger decisions read by typing fingers ready. With a limited amount of characters to digest small amounts of information about someone, it's important to use your words wisely.

But realistically, people don't always know what to say. That's why we've got you covered with some expert-approved tinder bumble hinge farmers (and more) conversation starters that actually work. So let's get started!

Table of Contents

Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps, and starting a conversation with a stranger can be daunting. That's why we've compiled a list of some of the best Tinder conversation starters to make great conversation and meet like-minded people. In this article, we'll cover everything from flirty Tinder conversation starters to funny icebreaker ideas.

Firstly, we'll discuss why good Tinder conversation starters are crucial for anyone seeking long-term relationships. Online dating apps researchers suggest that offline relationships often start with online interactions. Therefore, it's essential to have key takeaways on how to start Tinder conversations that keep the conversation flowing. We'll explore 160 opening lines and provide you with an abundance of compliments questions and fun Tinder conversation starters.

Lastly, we'll dive into some fun tinder openers that will help you strike up a conversation with your Tinder match. These are the easiest ways to keep your match interested and engaged in what you have to say. If you're looking for those perfect flirty or funny Tinder conversation starters, then look no further because we've got you covered! So get ready to swipe right on these fantastic icebreaker ideas that will put your mind at ease when starting any conversation on Tinder!

Effective Ways to Spark a Conversation on Tinder

Looking to make a positive impact with your initial message on Tinder? Starting with a simple "hey" is not going to cut it. You need to use your words wisely and come up with an engaging conversation starter that will fall head over heels for the other person.

One way to spark a conversation is by using a liner peak, which means asking a question that makes the other person react internally. For example, instead of saying "what's up?", try asking "what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?" This will get them thinking and give you something interesting to talk about.

When someone does respond back, be sure to keep the conversation going by showing genuine interest in what they have to say. A positive reaction can go a long way in building attraction and keeping things moving forward. Remember, the goal is not just to get a response but also to create a connection that could lead to something more meaningful down the line.

1. Ask a funny question

One of the best ways to start a conversation on Tinder is by asking a funny question. Not only will it make the other person laugh, but their brain releases endorphins when they hear something funny. These happy chemicals create a positive bond between you two, and it's been proven women are more likely to respond to humor. So, what's funny? Would you rather kill spiders for the rest of your life or only be able to talk about your favorite Avengers superhero?

2. Start a debate (Keep it light-hearted and avoid controversial subjects)

Let's debate! We all know that starting a conversation on Tinder can be tough, but what if you could begin debates without touching sensitive topics? Try asking your match if they think cats make better pets than dogs or if they believe credit scores should be outlawed. These conversation starters are lighthearted and fun, and who knows, you might even learn something new about what the other person thinks!

3. Pick Out Something From Their Profile and Mention It:

One of the best ways to start a conversation on Tinder is to simply compliment something from their profile. For example, if they have a picture with the cutest dog I've ever seen, it's an easy opener to ask about their furry friend. Or maybe they mention that they're a big nature fan and that they love hiking - you could ask them what their favorite trail is or if they've ever been to the 3 Sisters. If all else fails, you could always ask what their usual order is at the coffee shop in town.

4. Use Emojis In Your Conversation Starter:

If words aren't your strong suit, don't worry - you're not alone. Sometimes luck times the letters lined up in a row don't translate well on a phone screen. But fear not, because emojis are here to draw attention to your potential match and gain responses! Using emojis in your conversation starters is a great dating app alternative conducted by many who love emojis. Check out some of the top emojis women and men respond to and avoid sending boring text-filled messages.

5. Ask More About Where They’re From:

"Ask More About Where They’re From: People love talking about themselves and where they come from. By showing you're interested in their hometown, you can learn more about them and find common ground. Cool you're from Minneapolis, what's your favorite restaurant? Don't assume you've seen it all there though. Have you ever hiked the Grand Canyon or are you from a small town? Check out our complete online dating guide for step-by-step tips on how to start conversations on Tinder."

Unlocking the Art of Starting Tinder Conversations


Starting conversations on Tinder can be a daunting task, but it's also an essential one. The point of the app is to connect with people, and that requires some level of conversation. Unlike Bumble, where women have to initiate the conversation, Tinder puts the move in your hands. But how do you get things started?

Firstly, it's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to conversation starters. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind when crafting your opener. For example, try asking open-ended questions that encourage a response beyond a simple yes or no. Additionally, consider using something from the person's profile as a conversation starter – this shows that you've taken the time to read their bio and make an effort to connect with them. And don't forget about the algorithm stores! The more engaging your conversation is, the better chance you'll have of staying at the top of someone's swipe deck and getting more matches in turn. So why not give it a try and see what kind of connections you can create?

How to Craft a Winning Profile on Tinder

Man Wearing Black Cap With Eyes Closed Under Cloudy Sky

Crafting a winning profile on Tinder is the key to getting more matches and sparking conversations. In just 30 seconds, your profile has to make an impression that lasts. Spending 3 entire hours trying to come up with something funny or clever shows you're unoriginal, but putting in effort to create an impressive Tinder profile check will pay off.

Tinder conversation starters revolve around opening lines that capture someone's attention. Instead of using boring "hey" messages, try starting with a simple question or flirty compliment based on the person's profile. Using creative opener lines can show off your personality and make you stand out from the crowd.

Great bio ideas are also essential for crafting a winning profile on Tinder. Your bio should be short and sweet, highlighting your interests and what you're looking for in a partner. Choose conversation starters that align with your values and interests to find a match that shares them too. By following these tips, you'll be able to craft an impressive Tinder profile that leads to exciting conversations and potential dates.

Key Takeaways: Start Tinder Conversations with Compliments, Questions, and Similarities

Person Holding Silver Key

Starting a conversation on Tinder can be a simple task if you know how to do it right. According to dating experts, using classic conversational strategies such as compliments, questions, and finding common ground can help you create connections IRL. When browsing through online profiles, pay attention to shared interests and use them as conversation starters. People love talking about themselves and their hobbies, so asking unique thoughtful questions will make you stand out from the crowd and avoid using corny pickup lines or flirty winky faces that might end up in someone's inbox.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when starting initial Tinder interactions is to avoid making common mistakes that can lead to awkward commenting or even offensive behavior. Never comment on someone's body or make inappropriate jokes as this will only turn people off. Instead of focusing on physical appearance, try to find something interesting about the person's profile that you can use as a conversation starter.

Dating experts agree that using scientific strategies when it comes to Tinder tips is essential for success. By following these key takeaways of starting conversations with compliments, questions, and similarities, you'll be able to create genuine connections with people who share your interests. Remember that everyone is looking for something unique on this platform, so don't be afraid to stand out by being creative with your opening messages. With these simple but effective techniques, you'll be able to start meaningful conversations that could potentially lead to long-lasting relationships both online and in real life.

1. If you liked this article...

If you liked this article about Tinder conversation starters, then you'll love our list of 57 killer conversation starters and 10 interesting conversation starters that are sure to make your next date great. With 11 science-backed date tips and 5 science-backed ways to improve your online dating profile, you'll be armed with the tools you need to take your dating game to the next level. And if you're looking for deep questions or just some fun and flirty banter, our list of 13 great date questions backed by research has got you covered.

Do’s and Don’ts of Tinder Conversation Starters

Woman in Blue Suit Jacket

"Do's and Don'ts of Tinder Conversation Starters: Tips to Help You Get More Matches" - Starting a tinder conversation can be nerve-wracking, but it's essential if you want to get more matches. When coming up with conversation starters, always try to be creative and avoid using the same generic lines that everyone else is using. Also, it's important to read the person's bio before messaging them, so you have an idea of their interests and what they're looking for. Above all, remember to be respectful and never make any inappropriate comments or advances. Follow these simple rules, and you'll be on your way to having engaging tinder conversations in no time!

1. Do’s

When it comes to Tinder conversation starters, there are a few "Do's" that can make all the difference. First and foremost, send a message that's nice and personalized - no one likes receiving long, generic messages on a daily basis. When your match opens your message, make sure it's an open-ended question that encourages them to respond with more than just a yes or no answer. And whatever you do, don't crack any jokes that could be interpreted as downright rude. Stay away from controversial topics like politics, religion or human rights unless you're looking for a debate instead of a date!

2. Don’ts:

When it comes to Tinder conversation starters, there are a few "don'ts" to keep in mind. First and foremost, don't be overly flirtatious or send weird messages - this is a quick way to get unmatched. Instead, ask about their accomplishments, pets, or find something interesting from their profile to spark a conversation. And if you don't get a reply within 72 hours, don't message again or make rude remarks - guys often stop responding for common reasons. Avoid pick-up lines and popular memes - they won't assume you're interested in them as an individual. Stick to making them feel good and leave out anything sick or verbally upsetting.

Make Great Conversation

Tinder conversation starters can be the perfect tool to help you improve your conversation game. With these starters, you'll have access to an ultimate self-improvement toolbox you'll learn to use in all areas of personal growth. As a free goodie today, we're sharing some of our favorite Tinder conversation starters that will surely help you break the ice and make great conversations.

Small talk can be tough, and it's easy to feel awkward in social situations. But with the right Tinder conversation starters, you can become a master conversationalist in no time. From asking about someone's hobbies to complimenting their profile picture, there are many ways to kickstart engaging and captivating conversations. With enough practice and confidence, you'll soon find yourself enjoying social interactions more than ever before.

If you want to master the art of conversation mastery, then it's essential to learn from the experts: confident and engaging individuals who know how to keep a conversation going. By using these Tinder conversation starters as a starting point, along with other tips from master conversationalists out there, you'll be able to hold captivating conversations with anyone - whether it's a new romantic interest or just someone looking for a friendly chat. Don't hesitate; start practicing today!

Learn the Art of Starting Tinder Conversations with Examples

Woman Sitting on the Table Holding Her Cellphone

Starting a conversation on Tinder can be nerve-wracking, especially if you're not sure what to say. It's important to remember that first impressions matter and many girls notice the way you start the conversation. Luckily, there are a few tricks to help make your conversations begin with a bang.

One great way to start conversations is by asking unique questions. Instead of asking the same old "What do you do for fun?", try something more specific like "What's the best concert you've ever been to?" or "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?" These types of questions often lead to more interesting and engaging conversations.

Another important aspect of successful Tinder conversations is frequent responses. If you take too long to respond, it can make recipients imagine that you're not interested or too busy for them. Try to respond within a reasonable amount of time and keep the conversation flowing. When done right, starting conversations with unique questions can lead to amazing responses and spark connections that last beyond just swiping right.

Could their silence have nothing to do with you?

Could their silence have nothing to do with you? Absolutely! When it comes to Tinder, there are a multitude of reasons why someone may not respond to your message. Maybe they're casually swiping and not invested in the app. Or maybe they're just busy with life outside of their phone.

It's important to remember that the lack of response isn't always a reflection on you or your conversation skills. Even if you follow grade-A advice and use Hoggard Wagley's point about asking open-ended questions, the conversation doesn't always progress. Sometimes people simply lose interest or fail to find common ground beyond meaningless Tinder messages.

And even if you hit it off with someone, there's no guarantee that it will blossom into a full-blown relationship. The worst case scenario? You've simply moved on and continued to match onward until you find someone who sparks your interest. So don't take it personally when conversations fizzle out - sometimes their silence has everything and nothing to do with you.

Effective Tips for Initiating a Chat on Tinder with a Guy

Green Red Yellow Colored Pencil

Tinder conversation starters can be intimidating for both men and women, but don't hesitate to initiate the chat with a guy. In the past, women waited for men to make the first move, but online dating scene has evolved, and it's okay to take control of your love life.

When starting a conversation with a guy on Tinder, take a moment to look at his profile and find common interests. If he's a Seahawks fan and you love football, ask him if he wants to have a game day date. If he's a good boy with a kind growing heart, compliment him on that. Avoid commenting on physical appearance or asking personal questions that may come off as invasive.

Finally, show your genuine interest in getting to know him by asking open-ended questions about his hobbies and passions. If he mentions attending Country Jam last year, ask him about his favorite performance or what songs he listened to during the festival. With these effective tips for initiating a chat on Tinder with a guy, you'll be able to strike up engaging conversations that could lead to something more meaningful than just swiping right on another Tinder match!

1. Compliments

Compliments are a great way to start a conversation high. Instead of the usual simple greeting or small talk, try complimenting something interesting about their profile like their UCLA praise or Ronaldo haircut. Men respond well to compliments on their football skills or hiking boots and you can follow up with some open-ended questions about their hiking destination or great photography skills (maybe they're a professional photographer!). Avoid closed-ended questions and keep the conversation going by finding more things to compliment them on like their super cute leather jacket.

2. Make it about Them

When it comes to starting a conversation on Tinder, it's important to make it about them. Men love feeling good, and the key is to tap into their pleasure center by complimenting something specific about them. Whether it's their nice cap or the bear tattoo they're wearing, taking notice of these little details shows that you care and can lead to a more enjoyable conversation. As a vet tech who enjoys working with all kinds of animals, I know firsthand how important it is to make connections with others - even on dating apps!

3. Pose a Question

Struggling to break the ice on Tinder? We've all been there. It can be tough to find interesting things to say based solely on someone's profile pick or a few lines of bio. But fear not! From trending locally events to recent movies, coffee shop recommendations to viral news in the social media world (including the Gabby Petito case crazy), we've got you covered with some killer conversation starters that are sure to get them opening up about themselves faster than you can say "restaurant downtown." Just make sure you keep it PG and steer clear of any references to your 8 inches.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is food a good conversation topic on Tinder?

Yes, food is a great conversation starter on Tinder because it's a universal topic that everyone can relate to and it allows you to showcase your personality and interests.

How to start a tinder conversation with a lame message?

Starting a Tinder conversation with a lame message can be tough, but try to find common ground or ask an open-ended question to spark interest. Be yourself and don't be afraid to show your personality.

How to get a girl to respond to you on Tinder?

To get a girl to respond to you on Tinder, use a catchy and personalized opening message that shows you have read her profile, be respectful and don't send inappropriate messages, and try to make a genuine connection by finding common interests.

What are the best tinder conversation starters?

Some good Tinder conversation starters include asking about their interests, commenting on their photos or bio, and asking open-ended questions. It's important to be genuine and show interest in the person you're talking to.

What makes a good Tinder conversation starter?

A good Tinder conversation starter is one that's unique, personalized, and shows genuine interest in the other person. Avoid generic or cheesy pickup lines and instead ask open-ended questions or make a thoughtful comment about their profile.

Pearl de Haas

Lead Writer

Pearl de Haas is an accomplished writer with a passion for creativity and storytelling. With years of experience in the field, she has developed a unique voice that resonates with readers from all walks of life. Her work is characterized by its authenticity, emotional depth, and ability to connect with readers on a personal level.